School User Guide

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School User Guide
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School User Guide

ACEMAPP is a collaborative healthcare education, recruitment, and professional development platform. A School User's responsibilities in ACEMAPP include requesting a partnership, creating student accounts, creating a rotation, assigning students/faculty to rotations, managing student requirements, and reporting. The steps below provide a general overview of the school user responsibilities, but please check with your organization if you have a unique process.

Step 1: Verify Email Address

Once your account is created, a verification email will be sent to the email address associated with your ACEMAPP account. You must verify your email before logging in. If needed, click the "Resend Verification" button in the login section.

Step 2: Log in to your ACEMAPP account

After email verification, you will receive an email from ACEMAPP with a link to set your password. Please check your spam/junk folder. If you cannot locate the Password Email, go directly to, click Login, enter your email address, and select the "Forgot Password" option to set a password.

Step 3: Consent and Profile

After logging in, you must agree to the FERPA consent, the Honesty Pledge, and the Terms and Conditions.
As an admin, only the "General" tab of your Profile is required before navigating to your School User home page.

Step 4: Request Partnership

Before creating a rotation request, you must actively partner with the clinical site for the program you are requesting. The Help Desk Guide below outlines how to request a partnership in ACEMAPP. Once you request the partnership, it will be pending review by the clinical site.

Step 5: Create Member Accounts

Step 6: Create Rotations

Step 7: Assign Member(s) to the Rotation

Step 8: Review Student/Faculty Requirements

Step 9: Monitor Student/Faculty Compliance

NOTE: If you have questions, please contact ACEMAPP at or 844-223-4292.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

The Profile allows you to enter and edit personal information in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

The connection between Entities in ACEMAPP.

An active Partnership between two entities is needed to create a rotation in ACEMAPP.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A rotation is a scheduled clinical experience.

A requirement is an item a member may need to complete based on their affiliation to an entity or rotation assignment.

The completion of all required items in ACEMAPP.

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Create A Rotation
Please follow these steps to create a rotation request with one of your partnered entities in ACEMAPP.
Create New Member Account
Create new member accounts for Students, Clinical Faculty, Preceptors, and Observers using the "Add One" feature.
Log into ACEMAPP
How to log in to your ACEMAPP account.
Partnerships Requests
The partnership directory is where schools and clinical sites manage their partnerships in ACEMAPP. Use the partnership directory to request new partnerships and manage partnership documents. Schools must have an active partnership with the clinical site to request a rotation.